Keep in Touch
I have heard from more than one person that a weekly Zoom group they are part of has gradually dwindled. And I am curious as to why. It would be sad if they disappeared. It is good to keep in touch. To see how others are doing. That said, I too have skipped such a session or two (more lately than when they first began}. Are we tired of virtual meetings? Are we tired of technology? Are we busier? When they first started, it was such a gift to see faces and changing expressions. Has it become a reminder that things are still radically different than we would like them to be? Whatever methods we choose: telephone, a note, a conversation 6 feet apart over a back fence, Zoom or something I am not even aware of, it is important to keep in touch. Living in a vacuum increases worry, depression and fear. It's good to know, whatever your day is like, that there are others who care.