Fulfilling Deadlines
I have always been a deadline person. As a newspaper reporter, deadlines came and went, whether I had something to contribute or not. In public relations, deadlines existed even when I thought I was the only one following them! Lately – my deadlines are more of a moving target! In order to give you a link for worship – I finish a sermon 5 days in advance, and we tape three days in advance. The day we video(ed) Good Friday, we planned details of Easter, still 9 days away. The day I am writing this, Christmas carols are playing on the radio. I know there is a reason – I just haven't heard it yet! It makes me think of Psalm 20. "Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. A thousand years in your sight are like yesterday, when it is past." (Verses 1 and 4). Whatever day it is. Whatever day you read this, "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24)